Briefly, diffReps uses a sliding-window strategy to identify all genomic regions, genome-wide, that display differential binding levels of a histone mark between two conditions in a manner independent of peak calling or gene regions
Briefly, diffReps uses a sliding-window strategy to identify all genomic regions, genome-wide, that display differential binding levels of a histone mark between two conditions in a manner independent of peak calling or gene regions. in NAc after chronic cocaine and demonstrate its ability to promote both cocaines behavioral effects and induction of dendritic plasticity in NAc. and mammals (18, 19). It has been shown recently that PARylation is usually increased in the hippocampus after memory consolidation and long-term Phortress potentiation (LTP), whereas inhibition of PARylation blocked memory and LTP Rabbit Polyclonal to OR1N1 induction (17). Based on these findings, and on the role of other histone modifications in cocaine action, we sought to determine if PARP-1 and PAR are required for the maladaptive learning associated with dependency. Results Regulation of PARP-1 Activity in NAc by Chronic Cocaine Administration. We administered cocaine to mice for 7 d and analyzed the animals 30 min after the last dose. We found a significant increase in PARP-1 mRNA and protein levels in NAc (Fig. 1isoform displayed significant regulation in response to chronic cocaine. Consistent with increased PARP-1 expression, PARP-1 activity and its PAR mark were also induced (Fig. 1= 7C11). * 0.05, ** 0.01. PARP-1 has been implicated in both activation and repression of gene transcription by virtue of which regulatory proteins are complexed with it (20C23). We thus investigated if the composition of complexes made up of PARP-1 in NAc is usually changed by chronic cocaine. Consistent with previous studies in other tissues (20), we found that PARP-1 is usually associated with Brg1 and HDAC2, a presumed repressive complex, Phortress in NAc under baseline conditions and that levels of such complexes are reduced dramatically after chronic cocaine (Fig. 2= 5C7 impartial samples/group with each sample representing tissue of three animals). (= 4C7 impartial samples/group as above). * 0.05. In addition to its role as a transcriptional coregulator, PARP-1 is able to modulate transcription by adding PAR to potentially all histone subunits, thus changing chromatin structure at target genes (13, 25). Addition of the highly negatively charged PAR to histones Phortress is usually thought to repel the DNA, leading to an opening of chromatin structure. It was therefore of interest to determine if chronic cocaine regulates the PARylation of histones in NAc. We found that cocaine induction of PARP-1 in mouse NAc is usually associated with increased PARylation of H1 and H3, with no changes seen at other histone subunits (Fig. 2and Fig. S1). These observations further support the view that chronic cocaine induces a permissive chromatin structure, in this case through selective histone PARylation. PARP-1 Activity in NAc Regulates the Behavioral Response to Cocaine. We next investigated the consequences of altered levels Phortress of PARP-1 in NAc around the behavioral effects of cocaine. Overexpression of PARP-1 selectively in the NAc of adult mice, using viral-mediated gene transfer, increased levels of PARP-1 expression and of PAR (Fig. S2). Such overexpression dramatically increased locomotor responses to cocaine, cocaine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP)which provides an indirect measure of drug rewardand self-administration of low doses of cocaine (Fig. 3 = 7C10). * 0.05. To obtain the converse type of information, we blocked PARP-1 PARylation activity through the intra-NAc infusion of the PARP-1 inhibitor Tiq-A. This manipulation successfully decreased PARylation levels in NAc (17) (Fig. S3) and completely blocked locomotor responses to higher cocaine doses (Fig. 3for more details) to examine cocaine-induced differential regulation of PARP-1 enrichment throughout the genome. Cocaine treatment was associated with greater PARP-1 peak numbers compared with control conditions (see Table S1 for complete gene list), suggesting profound global alterations in PARP-1CDNA interactions after cocaine, consistent with our biochemical data (Fig. 1). Gene ontology analysis revealed that several interesting categories of genes, including several related to neuronal projections and cytoskeleton, showed induced PARP-1 binding in response to chronic cocaine (Fig. S5). Open in a separate windows Fig. 4. ChIP-seq identification of PARP-1 targets in NAc after chronic cocaine administration. (= 8 per group). (= 5C7 per group). # Phortress 0.08, * 0.05, ** 0.01. Because our findings indicate that cocaine induces a permissive transcriptional environment in part via PARP-1 induction, we examined how a major mark of transcriptional activation, histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation (H3K4me3), might overlap with PARP-1 enrichment. By use of ChIP-seq, we exhibited enrichment of H3K4me3 at TSSs genome-wide, as would be expected (26), and identified 45 genes that displayed significant up-regulation of.