The patients/participants provided their written informed consent to participate in this study

The patients/participants provided their written informed consent to participate in this study. Author Contributions Conceptualization, ES, SS, and LS; Methodology: HG, WM, and JH; Software: HG and JH; Validation, SS, GR, and WK; Formal Analysis: HG, JH, SS, and LS; Investigation: HG, ES, WM, SS, and LS; Resources: ES, WM, GR, and LS; Qstatin Data Curation: HG, JH, SS, and LS; WritingOriginal Draft Preparation, HG, ES, SS, and LS; Writing, Review and Editing; WM, JH, GR, and WK; Supervision, SS and LS; Project Administration, LS; Funding Acquisition, LS. S1P/S1PR signaling in PAH pathogenesis. Objective We hypothesized that S1P receptors (S1PR) may constitute Qstatin autoantigens in human patients, and that the prevalence of autoantibodies (aAb) to S1PR1, S1PR2 and S1PR3 is elevated in SSc patients and associated with PAH. Methods For this exploratory study, serum samples from 158 SSc patients, 58 of whom with PAH, along with 333 healthy control subjects were screened for S1PR-aAb. S1PR1-3 were expressed as fusion proteins with luciferase in human embryonic kidney cells and used to establish novel assays for detecting and quantifying S1PR-aAb. The fusion proteins were incubated with serum samples, the aAb-S1PR complexes formed were precipitated by protein-A, washed and tested for luciferase activity. Commercial anti-S1PR-antibodies were used to verify specificity of the assays. Results All three assays showed dose-dependent signal intensities when tested with S1PR-subtype specific commercial antibodies. Natural aAb to each S1PR were detected in healthy controls with a prevalence of <10% each, i.e., 2.7% for S1PR1-aAb, 3.6% for S1PR2-aAb, and 8.3% for S1PR3. The respective prevalence was higher in the cohort of SSc patients without PAH, with 17.1% for S1PR1-aAb, 19.0% for S1PR2-aAb, and 21.5% for S1PR3. In the subgroup of SSc patients with PAH, prevalence of aAb to S1PR2 and S1PR3 was further elevated to 25.9% for S1PR2-aAb, and 27.6% for S1PR3. Notably, the majority of patients with positive S1PR2-aAb (60.7%) or S1PR3-aAb (71.9%) displayed interstitial lung disease. Conclusion S1PR1C3 can constitute autoantigens in humans, particularly in SSC patients with PAH. The potential pathophysiological significance for the etiology of the disease is Qstatin currently unknown, but the elevated prevalence of S1PR2-aAb and S1PR3-aAb in SSC patients with PAH merits further mechanistic investigations. Keywords: autoantibodies, G-protein coupled receptor, autoimmune disease, immunoglobulin, rheumatology, immunology, sphingolipid, sphingosine-1-phosphate Introduction Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is characterized by a mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP) of 20 mmHg at rest. Its clinical features may gradually progress from an initial asymptomatic course to dyspnea and orthopnea, and eventually to right heart hypertrophy, failure and death. The pathophysiology of PH is characterized by vascular remodeling, endothelial dysfunction and increased vascular tone, predominantly in small to medium-sized pulmonary arterioles (1). Precapillary pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) constitutes the first group in the 2018 consensus on the clinical classification of PH into five groups (2). PAH is diagnosed when mPAP at rest is measured 20 mmHg, yet pulmonary artery wedge pressure is 15 mmHg and other causes of pre-capillary PH (e.g. lung disease or chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension) are excluded (3). The subcategory PAH can be specified further by etiology into idiopathic, hereditary, drug- and toxin-induced forms of PAH, or PAH associated with connective tissue disease, HIV or congenital heart disease (4). While essential pathophysiological elements have been elucidated over the past decades, the Qstatin etiology of PAH remains incompletely understood (5). Besides an epigenetic dysregulation, alterations in bone morphogenetic protein signaling, abnormalities in mitochondrial metabolism, and dynamic inflammatory, autoimmune processes contribute to the pathogenesis of PAH (6). Specifically, cell-based and autoantibody (aAb) related immune dysregulation have been implicated in the development of PAH, predominantly with respect to idiopathic and connective tissue disease-associated PAH (7). Antinuclear Ab (ANA) serve as diagnostic hallmark of connective tissue disease, and specific ANA are associated with an increased risk for PAH. In addition, aAb to certain G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) ARF3 such as angiotensin 1-receptor or endothelin receptor-1 have recently been associated with PAH, and may promote pathological vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling by acting as agonists of the respective GPCR (8). Another line of research has recently identified signaling the small bioactive lipid mediator sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) and its receptors (S1PR), which regulate vasoconstriction, fibrosis, and lymphocyte trafficking (9C11) as potential pathomechanism in PAH. S1P can be generated at the inner layer of the cell membrane from its sphingolipid precursor sphingosine by sphingosine-kinase (SPHK)-1 or -2 the specific S1P-transporters major facilitator superfamily domain-containing protein 2B (MFSD2B, in erythrocytes and platelets) (12), or spinster-homologue-2 (SPNS2, in blood and lymphatic endothelial cells) S1P can then be released into the extracellular space and the circulation (13, 14). Extracellular S1P can bind and activate five different human S1P-receptors (S1PR), namely S1PR1 to S1PR5, all of which belong to the superfamily of GPCR (15, 16). Besides the crucial role of S1PR1, S1PR2 and S1PR3 in the maturation, activation and chemotaxis of immune cells (11, 17), these ubiquitously expressed S1PR are also the major receptor subtypes in the cardiovascular system with high expression in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMC) (18). Of note, S1PR1- and S1PR3-signaling plays an important role in preserving vascular functions and blood pressure homeostasis by controlling endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)-derived nitric oxide (NO) production, which.